A few words to describe what I intend to teach through this two day seminar/online webinar - six to seven hours each day:.
Spirit infused me with the huge desire to spread the inspiration, guidance and support to live, as well as to share, how we can learn to make our lives our work of art.
To be in alignment with source and staying connected to the universe, our essence and highest guidance.
Thus, we will attract into our lives what we are, instead of what we want. So we get what we are, then we’ll want to become all we can be.
During these two days you will re-learn to dream more and to let “love, joy and divine help” in.
You will learn to surrender and bring true respect into 'love and therefore your life'. When you make your future dream a present fact, you start manifesting it by assuming the feelings of that dream, of that wish already fulfilled.
And you learn to trust and dare to make your own happiness priority - only to be able to share it many- fold.
Your happiness is the key to sparking great, tangible and intangible changes in your life. And you will learn that taking action simply means showing up consistently and having faith that the Universe not only supports you but that for every step you take, the Universe takes another 10,000 or more.
You will be encouraged to “be the LOVE that you are” and to give kindness to yourself and to others and to experience through exercises, reflections, visualizations, sharing, mediation and healing – recreating a sense of gratitude for what you are able to create, for what you have, for what you can bring.
And together we'll practice to let the love in!!! Can you feel the excitement and joy?
Let us practice as a group, to actively make our lives our work of art and feel the privilege of ‘who we really are’!
2 Days
Webinar via Zoom £ 155
Seminar in person £ 170