When we breathe in, we fill ourselves with inspiration. We are being "in-spirit"; at one with, or simply inspired! As we breathe out, we express and share this inspiration, this connection with spirit and more of what we desire seems to be flowing back to us, as a result of this sharing.
Inspired we not only hear our Guidance but look at the world through our heart, instead of our head. And we begin to be illuminated, as this is the expression of love. When you’re tuned in to, or send this healing it helps you to be an expression of inspired love, to be connected with spirit continuously. We step into and become our very own light.
Once you have access to your inspired self, you irreversibly transform the context of your existence and this in turn transforms the content, experiences and value of your life.
As we receive with our soul and give with our heart we step into the pure flow of love. In this state of inspiration you are also in a state of grace. This is, when things start manifesting for you. Grace is also to state that allows gratitude to flower. This prompts and supports you to live from your inspired self, in-spirit, connected to the Divine!
That inspired self is the conscious, divine being in human form! Celebrate living by sharing yourself from that level. Be giving, caring, determined, passionate, truthful, trusting and happily alive!
We breathe into the world, ‘who we ultimately are’, from our purest essence. And we begin to be ILLUMINATED, as this expression is LOVE!
That's what life ultimately is about – ‘being continuously inspired and connected’, therefore operate, and learn to ‘be’ from the consciousness of this level.
This light, which illuminates us from our heart and fills us from within, pulls and leads us to express our talents, our longings, and our dreams.
When we enthusiastically live and breathe our truth and our passion, we transmit the spiritual signal to be ‘in-Spirit, to anyone who comes into our field of energy or vision. We love what we came here to be, who we are and whom we share it with. That’s why inspired people are natural healers.
The steps we take forward towards living our Inspired Self are
INSPIRED, shared us.
And then we become literally an expression of light or illuminated, outpouring with light. Illumination is the way you feel in relation to the air you breathe, the sensations in your body, the miracle of your consciousness and your ability to communicate what you are thinking to others, the joy of relating and the sensual pleasure derived from interacting with all aspects of reality.
By attuning yourself to the illuminating light of love in all you think, say and do, you tend to draw the inspired and illuminated towards you, without even thinking about it, you maintain this high consciousness through keeping the heart energy flowing.
Inspiration is a state of being, in which you are making choices based solely on what feels right for you in every cell of your body, in which you are able to say what you mean and mean what you say, and completely support whichever option you choose, moment to moment.
Living from the Inspired Self, in-Spirit, means having whatever you want and wanting whatever you have!
In-person seminar
Available in English and German
One long day // 8-10 hours
or two half days // 4-5 hours
(with lunch included)